
A brief but captivating fascination with tumbling trail stones emerged in my life. Collecting these stones and dedicating a month to tumble them to perfection became a gratifying pursuit. Among them, one particular stone holds a special place, almost like my own personal star, and I envision having it laid to rest with me. Another remarkable addition to my collection was a stone gifted by my friend Marv, who brought it all the way from the summit of Kilimanjaro.

Tumbled stones #1

Dec 24th, 2018

My first set of tumbled rocks from our many hikes, plus one? It takes 4 weeks to take a stone from rough to smooth. A big thank you too Marv for bringing me back a rock from the tippy top of Mount Kilimanjaro.

Tumbled stones #2

Mar 18th, 2018

I started collecting pretty stones on the trail during our hikes, and this began my new hobby of tumbling stones. My second set of finished stone, which takes one month to a finished stone! This is my all time favorite stone, and I want it to be buried with me!