Jeff Herman Picture

B - Inaam, Schedule

Site Credentials:


username: administrator

password: gOC37tMGL25o^!8^

Task Description

* Front end completed - 

Finalize all front-end components, including UI/UX design, responsiveness, and integration with the back-end APIs. 

* Craft your stories 4 blocks completed - 

Develop and finalize the four core blocks/modules for the "Craft Your Stories" feature. 

* Back end completed - 

Finalize the back-end development, including database setup, API development, user authentication, and server configuration. 

* Port all sites - 

Migrate all existing content and functionalities from to the new platform. 

* Test ported sites - 

Conduct thorough testing of all ported sites to ensure functionality, performance, and compatibility. 

* Test all functions - 

Perform comprehensive testing of all application functions, including unit, integration, and user acceptance tests. 

* Tutorials completed - 

Develop and finalize all user tutorials and guides to help users navigate and utilize the application effectively. 

* Launch date - 

August 5th - My birthday!

* Ad's completed -  

Finalize all advertising materials, including banners, videos, and social media posts. 

* Launch advertising - 

Begin the advertising campaign to promote the web application, targeting the identified audience through various channels 

Timeline Summary:

July 23, 2024

Complete Front End 

Complete Craft Your Stories 4 Blocks

Complete Back End

July 24, 2024

Start Port All Sites

Start Testing All Functions

July 25, 2024

Complete Tutorials Creation

July 26, 2024
Sign over Mystories.Cloud domain before final payment.

Complete Port All Sites

Pending Payment Milestone: Obtain sign-off & complete payment

July 29, 2024

Start Testing Ported Sites

July 30, 2024

Complete Ads Creation

July 31, 2024

Complete Testing Ported Sites 
