Climate Change

Climate change is a complex and nuanced topic that has evolved over the years. In 1978, Leonard Nimoy cautioned about an impending ice age, reflecting the scientific certainties of that time. While various figures like Al Gore, have made predictions that have never materialized over the years. The frequency of deaths from natural disasters has decreased greatly over the past six decades, even in the face of our growing population and development near vulnerable areas like coastlines. The elites disconnect between expressed concerns about climate change and personal actions, such as private plane usage, raises valid questions. Examining historical predictions, human behavior, and the actions of influential individuals leads to skepticism. It's crucial to consider economic motivations and power dynamics in discussions about climate change. Balancing the need for environmental stewardship with genuine concerns about financial interests and control is a complex task that requires ongoing dialogue and critical examination of evidence.

Favorite Climate Change photos

Jan 19th, 2024

These are photos that need answered before I am all in for climate change. I always believed that we need to clean up after ourselves, but climate change today is being used for profit and control!

Carbon Dioxide — The Gas of Life

Dec 21st, 2023

Carbon Dioxide — The Gas of Life

Imminent Ice Age!

Aug 27th, 2023

Leonard Nimoy warned us about the impending Ice Age in 1978!

Pirate Tower tide pool

Oct 17th, 2020

This 100 year old swimming tide pool collects water at high tide and then leaves new fresh water to swim in at low tide. Strangely it works the same way 100 years later. Stranger still is that the water level has not changed in 100 years. Water is fungible, and if it hasn't risen here, it has not risen anywhere?

U.N. Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked

Jun 29th, 1989

U.N. Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked, circa June 29th 1989.