Multi Media Publishing & Packaging

At the age of 15, the entrepreneurial spirit ignited within me, fueled by a desire to forge my own path. Despite witnessing my father navigate the corporate world, I yearned for independence and autonomy. My journey began by working for others, consistently surpassing my job requirements to amass an invaluable asset—knowledge. I firmly believed that investing in knowledge would eventually yield dividends. Adopting a mantra of never complaining and always seeking opportunities to learn beyond my current role, I underwent years of apprenticeship. The pivotal moment arrived when I seized the opportunity to establish my own company. The decision was nerve-wracking, as the risk of losing the invested capital loomed large. However, I reassured myself that the worst-case scenario was a return to working for someone else. Fortunately, the gamble paid off, and the company soared to success, creating products for renowned entities like Disney, Hooked On Phonics, and Warner Brothers. At the age of 50, I made the rewarding decision to sell the company, enabling a well-deserved retirement.


Mar 26th, 2022

Retirement It was 18 years ago today that I sold my business and retired. I have never ever missed the rat race of running a company, and found so very many exciting things to fill my days. The experts always said, retirement is a dead mans game because so many people retire and then soon after die because their work was their life. I wanted to prove them wrong, and I think after 18 years that I have proved that point. I was 50 when I retired and am now 68. All of my friends are now joined me in retirements, and I wish them all many years of fun, health, and happiness!