
I have never been a staunch supporter of organized religions for their often deafening dogma, which have lead men to fight fervently for their beliefs. In my perspective, there is only one creator, and I acknowledge Jesus Christ as my savior. The religion of the tree, serves as a testament to the simplicity and purity of my beliefs.

The Religion of The Tree

Dec 22nd, 2013

Kia and I were discussing the religions of the world, and why are there so many? I said that there is only one creator and I could prove it. See that tree over there? Humans breath out carbon monoxide and the trees absorb it and turns it into oxygen, the very thing that humans need to exist. I ask her, do you believe that the god who created trees in America is a different god than who created trees in Iran? And that is the Religion of the Tree!!! I made this video to animate the thought.