Jeff Herman Picture

Mountain Biking


Apr 19th, 2024

This was my 3rd time riding this section of Conestee Natural Preserve! They did a great job creating the mountain biking sections in the park. What is not to love, green green canopies, lakes, beavers, dams, and peace and quite!

Here are my two favorite rides, let's go!

  The plan for todays ride!

The wooden pathways were amazing but challenging for sure, SNAKES!

The trails are very nicely groomed!

                   This is the dam that holds back the water in the entire park.

How old is this dam because
they are in the process of replacing the whole dam!

What is a ride without a picture of my bike on the trail?

The bogs in this preserves are outstanding.

The turtles just love these waters!

More amazing wooden walkways over the bogs!

The beavers have been hard at work since I last road this area!

  This is the Reedy River that runs through Greenville, and here through Conestee!

    The bridge across the Reedy River!

A short trail over to the Reedy!

                                                    Today was such a great ride!