It was always about the numbers!
When Ventura County came out and finally admitted that 96% of deaths were among people with comorbidities, I had to run the numbers. When I wrote to the author of the report to tell them how brave they were to publish the truth, it was removed on the next report. Italy and other countries were reporting the same, but it was great to hear my own County tell the truth.
But back to the numbers.
96% of the 1708 people who died in Ventura had comorbidities, and the CDC stated that the average comorbidities for Covid were 4, I have none! So only 68 of the 1708 people died without comorbidities! Only 37% of those who died were in my age group or just 25 people, and only 45% of those were white or just 11 people over 3 years, or less than 4 people a year!
And don't get me started about the miniscule risk for kids. The CDC reports that 1696 kids died over the past 3 years from Covid below the age of 17, in a population of 73 million kids in that age group, or just .000023%! Kids under 17 who did not have comorbitities where NEVER at risk!
And yet they injected our kids with an "experimental" Emergency Use Only DRUG that they NEVER needed!