Jeff Herman Picture

Crazy Things

Chichen ITZA

Jun 10th, 2024

Kara and I were young, carefree, and ready for adventure! After my dad passed away, we decided to leave Kia with her nanny and escape to Cancun for a week of sun-soaked excitement. The beaches were pristine, and our hotel was a slice of paradise. Seeking more adventure, we hopped on a small plane to Cozumel, thrilled to explore its famed beaches. As we ascended, the sight of a crashed plane at the end of the runway was both eerie and exhilarating—a stark reminder of the risks that made our journey all the more thrilling. In Cozumel, we rented a moped and tore across the island, snorkeling at secluded spots and soaking in the tropical beauty.

That night, we dined at a lively local bar, the atmosphere electric with laughter and music. We even got our picture taken with the entire staff. A couple from our hotel, seated next to us, later revealed the man was a NYC cop who had felt uneasy throughout the dinner. We, on the other hand, felt nothing but pure joy and exhilaration.

The next day, we rented an open jeep and set off on a three-hour drive to the awe-inspiring Chichen Itza pyramids. The journey took us through striking poverty, with roadside huts revealing glimpses of TV screens inside. It was surreal to think that even in such destitution, people could tune in to watch "Dynasty." As we drove, a young girl by the roadside stared at us with haunting eyes, silently pleading to be taken away. Her gaze lingered with us, a poignant reminder of the world's harsh realities. Reaching Chichen Itza, we were blown away by the pyramids' magnificence. In those days, you could still climb them, so I ascended the left-hand side stairs and descended the right. We then explored the creepy sacrificial pits, sending shivers down our spines.

As night fell, we faced a daunting three-hour drive back, first through the city of Chichen Itza and then the dark, open areas with scattered huts. Stopping for gas just outside town, a tourist who looked like Tom Selleck approached us. He and his family were just as creeped out as we were and suggested we caravan through the city together. We navigated the eerie streets in tandem, parting ways only when we reached safer ground. It was a journey filled with unforgettable sights, spine-tingling moments, and the kind of daring adventure that stays with you forever.