The power of Meditation, out thoughts, and music, to heal is immense!
My health journey began with an unsettling tale passed down by a one of my parents, warning my brother and me about the purported "Herman curse." Allegedly, all male members of our lineage met an early demise. The grim backdrop was my grandfather's passing at 48, followed by my father at 51, and eventually my brother at 60.
Wow, I am now 70, so hold on, maybe 5 to 10 years left?
I hear about people in their 50's dying from explosive cancers, unexpected heart disease, and the dreaded unknown causes, so get busy!
Rockefeller brought us oil based medicines destroying natural medicine.
He took over the AMA and drove out all who apposed, giving us a money motivated health care system.
Why does the United States spend the most money on health care but have such poor results?
There is a great book called Left For Dead, it illustrates the benefits of Cayenne Pepper.
If you feed your body with the proper nutrients, minerals, and vitamins it will heal itself and stop illness in it's tracks.
If you cut yourself you expect that 99.99% you will heal, and you always do.
I just finished this AMAZING book during the shutdown. After seeing this book at my chiropractor's office, I could only find a signed copy for $99. I was happy to find and own it!
This book is required reading to understand why so many diseases are NEVER cured but just managed by a profit-driven cabal. Why millions are dying in our neighborhoods from prescription opioids! Why doctors are not taught about how nutrition can prevent diseases before they ever get started!
While I support vaccines, how can you trust these greedy organizations to properly test and prescribe the proper amounts to our children when profit is their ONLY goal, think opioids!
This is a collection of health photos
I read this book cover to cover and loved it.
If you want to learn How Not To Die, this is the one to read!