Jeff Herman Picture

Creating My Own Blue Zone


                                                                                                                                               Apr 19th, 2024

These are the components of the breakfast super food shake that I have eaten most every day for over 25 years. It took me a lot of research to find each of these ingredients that have amazing health benefits!

Recipe and ingredients

I use an 8 cup Vitamix blender that allows me to make 2 servings at once.

I put these ingredients in the blender in this order. If you have a smaller blender, cut the recipe in half.

* Pour in a "heaping" cup full of both Flax and Almond milk
* One large banana
* 1.5 scoups of Chia Seeds
* 1 scoup of cinnamon
* 1 scoup of Delicious Red Superfood
* 1 scoup of MCT Wellness polyphenols
* 1 scoup of Glutamine Complex
* 1 scoup of Sacred 7 mushroom extract
* 1 scoup of Reishi mushroom powder
* 3 scoups of organic protein powder
* 2 table spoons of yogart, optional
* 1 overflowing cup of organic frozen blueberries
* 1 overflowing cup of organic frozen strawberries
* 1 cup of water
* 2 heaping tablespoons of organic cocoa nibs

I make 8 at a time and freeze 7 for the following days.

This is how I make the shake. This recipe will make two shakes. I typically make a weeks worth and freeze them.

This is what a frozen serving looks like

The health benefits of bananas are many.

These milks are so much better than cows milk.
We buy both of these at Sprouts or Whole Foods.

Flax milk benefits
Almond milk benefits

Chia seeds are a healthy treat.
I buy these on Amazon.

Cinnamon is a must for a healthy body!

Here are the benefits of eating this superfood and where I buy it.

Here are the health benefits of this supplement and where I buy it.

I get this from my naturopath, but generic brands are available.

Mushrooms are the medicines of the ancients! Here are the benefits and where I buy this.

These are not in the sacred 7, but are a healthy mushroom indeed. Here is where I buy it.

We buy this from Costco when it is on sale!


What can you say about the heath benefits of blueberries. We buy these at Costco.

What can you say about the heath benefits of strawberries. We buy these at Costco.

I add these not only because they are healthy, but because they give some texture to the shake.
I get these on Amazon!

                           Not only is it good for you but, IT TASTES GREAT!