Jeff Herman Picture

Places I Have Lived


Jun 4th, 2024

This was my dad's first transfer with Control Data, the second-largest computer company in the country. Using my grandfather’s money, my parents built a split-level house with a suite for my grandmother, Ethel. I have many fond memories of living in that house and on the surrounding property. Bob and I would often hike into the woods to find critters. On one of those hikes, I picked up a piece of glass and badly cut the little finger on my left hand. Fortunately, a retired doctor lived next door and patched it up without stitches. On another adventure, I rode my bike down into our gravel driveway and split my lip wide open. I also have vivid memories of my dad working on his MG, which seemed to always be breaking down. He would take us out in the MG, with Bob and me sitting knee-to-knee in the boot, until we inevitably smelled the distinct odor of burning electrical wires. Then the car would come to a stop and need to be towed.