Jeff Herman Picture


CEDAR CREEK FALLS Cleveland National Forest

Jun 25th, 2024

This was our second stop on our amazing three day trip to San Diego! Traveling with my buddy is so easy and we always have a great time!

Back into the Cleveland National Forest.

We are hoping for the high 80's today because this hike is 6 miles, two miles longer than Three Sisters yesterday.

I bought our two permits weeks ago, but there was no one here to check us in. I guess they only check on weekends?

Always have a map with you, or at least take a picture of the map at the trail head.

Oh no, this looks bad!

These trail markers are very nice, however I have not decide if they are encouraging or discouraging.
Maybe it depends on which way you are going?

A nice compact dirt trail!

Not many, but a few flowers to enjoy!

What the heck, it is almost 90 out here. Someone lost their shoe!

We are now a whole 1/2 mile in.

This is liquid death to plants.
Not sure what it is, but if you touch it, it feels like water, and it chokes the life out of plants!

Marv taking a nice shady rest!

Nearing a mile into our six mile hike and we get our first water notice.
They sure take this seriously, and should!

Wait for me!

What the heck, there is a face on that rock.

We made it to shade  structure #4. They have built these every so often because there is NO shade for the first two miles!

Wait, we found shade just a few yards past the shelter!

It is a wonder what water does to the land!

Two miles down and just a mile to go. On the way down these signs are very helpful.

We are now in the green area and crossing our first creek, even though they call it a river. In the winter months this could really be flowing, but now we have these rock paths to get across!

What do you see Marv?

Marv was looking at this frog and a lot of fish!

Look at this rather large tadpole. He already has his legs, but it doesn't look like that tail is going anywhere soon.

Signs signs everywhere are signs! Marv, it is just around the next corner.

Another crossing!

You can hear the water in the distance.

We made it!

WOW this is beautiful!
One of the nicest falls and pools I have ever been to. I wonder how refreshing that water feels?

July and still running. It must be spring feed?

This pool is FULL of fish!
What a nice little home.

Here I go!!!!!

No bottom to touch in here!

I made it into, and up on the slimmy rocks in this cove!

If you get down to San Diego, this is a must hike! We could have stayed here FOREVER!

3 miles to go, but SO worth it!

No wonder they require a permit, they have put a lot of money into this trail.

It is right up in that crux.
Such a wondeful hike with my buddy.

        We are just getting back at it with SO many more adventures to go!