Backbone Trail

Our goal to hike all 68 miles of the Back Bone Trail

Dec 12th, 2011

Hiking the crown jewel of the Santa Monica Mountains from end to end is not for the faint of heart, and is a right of passage if you live in So Cal. The number of hikers who have achieved this goal are few, but we mapped out eight sections where we would use two cars, one at each end, to accomplish the goal,.

Day one, hiking section 2

Dec 15th, 2011

This was the start to hiking the entire Backbone Trail, all 68 miles!

Day two, hiking section 3

Dec 27th, 2011

I numbered these by sections starting in Will Rogers, so even though this was our second day, it was the 3rd section.

Day three, hiking section 4

Feb 8th, 2012

We took on section 4 of the Back Bone Trail with Pete, Marv's brother in law. I hope he brought his world famous Puddle Dinks! Come out on the trail with us.

Day four, hiked section 5

Feb 15th, 2012

Pete was still with us treating us to his amazing Puddle Dinks. The Back Bone Trail is truly amazing. Join us!

Day five, hiking section 6A

Feb 27th, 2012

Pete went home and it was up to Marv and I to hike the fifth day doing section 6A. Join us on the trail.

Day six, hiking section 6B

Mar 13th, 2012

Omid joined us for this section of the trail. This was day six hiking section 6B.

Day seven, hiking section 1

Mar 22nd, 2012

Omid joined us again for day seven hiking section 1, which takes us from Will Rogers State Park and climbs to the Hub and then down to Trippet Ranch, a grueling 13 miles!

Day eight, hiking section 7

Dec 1st, 2017

This was our last and longest section to complete the Back Bone Trail. It was the 3 of us again, Marv, Omid, and I.