Jeffry Herman

Tree House

Mar 17th, 2024

My parents had a magnificent tree house constructed in our backyard, providing Bob and me with an exciting sanctuary to explore and play.

Social Security income

Jan 22nd, 2024

This is my Social Security income from the time I started working in 1968 to the time that I retired in May 2004. They do not count all of your yearly income since I do not see the $100,000 year from Disney in 1985 and 86, but then a big year in 1994, so they must just report some percentage of your yearly income. But I find it fascinating that my entire history of employment can be seen on one page!

Success in America

Nov 18th, 2023

An overview of my success. If I could become a success in America, anyone can.

Packaging Article

Dec 18th, 1992

This is an article that I wrote about packaging infomercial products. At the time we were the largest company packaging these types of products like Hooked On Phonics.