Leather Work

My daughter has reached the pinnacle of leather craftsmanship, crafting intricate leather pieces for Hollywood movies. When I requested a pirate leather sheath for my hiking stick, the piece she created became an instant hit among my friends during our hiking adventures—everyone wanted one. Recognizing her busy schedule, I decided to take matters into my own hands. Turning to YouTube, I embarked on a journey to teach myself the art of leather tooling. The pride I feel in not only learning this skill but also in the quality of work I've produced is truly satisfying.

Hiking Sticks

Dec 20th, 2023

Once I found out that the California Yucca plant made for a light weight but strong hiking stick, I asked Kia if she would make me a leather wrap for my first piece. She made me a beautiful pirate stick that I use to this day. My other friends wanted one but Kia was to busy, so I went online and taught myself how to do leather work. Here are some of those sticks!


Dec 20th, 2021

Over the years I have made many wallets for myself and my friends. Here are some of those wallets.

Misc leather work

Dec 20th, 2020

These are the leather pieces that I made that don't really fit into a category.