
In the latter stages of our hiking adventures, we discovered the allure of conquering peaks, and once you embark on collecting these majestic summits, the craving is hard to resist. Our mission became clear: to conquer all the noteworthy peaks in the Santa Monica and San Gabriel Mountains. The ascent, though challenging, brought its own rewards, especially at the summit where breathtaking views awaited. A ritual of rest and a celebratory toast with a sip of whiskey became our tradition at the pinnacle, marking not just the completion of a climb but a moment of triumph and appreciation for the journey.

Condor Peak

Apr 17th, 2021

We embarked on a three-hour tour that turned into an epic adventure... Marv and I set out to conquer Condor Peak in the San Gabriels, fully aware that the entire 15.9-mile journey might be a stretch. Nevertheless, we pushed ourselves and covered approximately 60% of the trail, clocking in nearly 11 miles with a challenging 3200 feet of elevation gain and loss.

Mt Hillyer

Sep 18th, 2020

Another great day of hiking with my buddy, even if we never found a defined peak.

Winston Peak and Winston Ridge

May 22nd, 2020

We hiked Waterman Mountain some years ago and could see Winston Peak from the top, so it was well past time to bag this peak.

Castle Peak and Cave of the Munits

Feb 1st, 2020

Hiking up to Castle Peak and then over to the Cave of the Munits is a must do if you get to Los Angeles or live in the area.

Vetter Mountain

Jan 14th, 2020

Marv and I wanted to do a short hike in the San Gabriel Mountains and we settled on Vetter Mountain. It was a very cold day but the views were OUTSTANDING!

San Gabriel Peak

Dec 15th, 2019

This peak is the name sake for the San Gabriel Mountains, how did we miss this hike all of these years. Well today was the day, and the hike did not disappoint.

Strawberry Peak

Dec 10th, 2019

This hike is not for sissies. It took us most of the day to drive up and back, and climb to this amazing peak.

Mount Islip

Aug 3rd, 2018

This was an epic hike in the San Gabriel Mountains to bag Mount Islip. I had such a great day with my buddy Marv!

Waterman Mountain

Jul 18th, 2017

Marv and I wanting to bag another peak in the San Gabriel Mountains, so we turned to our trusty hiking book and settled on Mount Waterman.

Timber Mountain, by way of Ice House Canyon

Sep 16th, 2016

Our hike to Ice House saddle and beyond to Timber mountain at 8303 feet elevation. Almost 11 miles and 3200 foot elevation gain made this the most amazing hike. On to Mount Baldy next...... So quite, peaceful, and inspirational!

Mt Throop, Mt Burnham, and Mt Baden Powell

Jul 10th, 2016

The challenge of Mt Throop, Mt Burnham, and Mt Baden Powell, all in one day! After the exhilaration of hiking up to Mount Lukens, we felt that we were ready for an even more challenging hike, three peaks in one day. It would take two cars to accomplish our goal. We drove up to Vincent Gulch and left Marv's car there. We then drove back to Dawson Saddle Trail head in the FJ to start the hike. This was truly an EPIC hike and I would recommend this hike to ALL hikers that love the San Gabriel Mountain range. With a few side trails, I believe we ended up at around 10 miles and 3000 feet of gain.

Mugu Peak

Mar 9th, 2016

Marv and I decided to hike back up to Mugu Peak today after two years. The views go on forever in both directions. You can see the Channel Islands clear as day!

Mugu Peak

Sep 19th, 2014

This was our first time hiking up to Mugu Peak. It is tougher than it looks and the start is very steep, but the views are forever.

Sandstone Peak at Sunset & full moon rise

Sep 10th, 2014

Omid, Marv, Alondra, and I headed off for a sunset/full moon rise hike, with our usual whiskey toast.

Mt Lowe

May 6th, 2014

Our hike to the top of Mt Lowe started out very cold! This is a must do peak in the San Gabriel Mountains, and a bit challenging. We had such a great day!!!

Sandstone Peak, sunset & full moon rise

Apr 18th, 2014

So many hikes up to Sandstone Peak to see the sunset over the Channel Islands, and the full moon rise over Los Angeles. This is the highest peak in the Santa Monica Mountains.

Mount Lukens

Dec 30th, 2013

Marv and I took on quite a challenge this time. 11 miles with 3400 in elevation gain, did we bite off more that we can chew? NAH!!!

Sandstone Peak Sunset & full moon rise

Oct 17th, 2013

Sunset and full moon on Sand Stone peak, while drinking some fine whiskey! We will make this trek at least 4 times a year. What do you do when you see a sign like this on your trail head, f......... it and hike on by.

Sandstone Peak Sunset & full moon rise

Aug 20th, 2013

This was our first time going up to Sandstone Peak to see the sunset over the Channel Islands and the full moon rise over L.A. My favorite place almost anywhere. Better than Hawaii......... We then hikes out by way of balancing rock, without flashlights, just using the light of the moon.

Sandstone Peak

Jul 16th, 2013

There is no better right of passage hike in the Santa Monica Mountain than making the loop up to Sandstone Peak, over to Inspiration Point, and then over to Balancing Rock.