
I find great pleasure in writing about the oddities and absurdities that abound in a world where questions are discouraged, and facts are met with condemnation. In a climate where merely posing a question earns you the label of a conspiracy theorist, I believe it often indicates being right over the target. Embracing this perspective, I am committed to consistently documenting and exploring the oddities I observe, steadfast in my pursuit of shedding light on unconventional truths.

Ukraine Follies

Apr 2nd, 2024


Systemic Racism!

Apr 2nd, 2024

Systemic Racism does exist, but who is to blame?

The SAD state of our Union!

Apr 1st, 2024

Our politicians on both sides have failed us, right, left, and center! There is no other reason for our nations standing on so many issues to be so low compared to other nations!

The 2020 election was STOLEN!

Apr 1st, 2024

Questioning the results is not a crime, just ask Hillary!

LBJ put the black community back in chains

Jan 6th, 2024

LBJ was quoted as saying, I'll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years. He said that after signing the Civil Rights Act, which chained mothers to government hand outs and cast the father out of the house. In 1937 98% of black households had a mom and a dad, now that is down to 37% today, that did not happen by accident, thank you the Democratic Party and LBJ!


Dec 21st, 2023

When you add together the start dates of WWI, WWII, and the Ukraine war, it seems to be indicating that the start of the Ukraine was IS the start of WWIII. I sure hope not, but time will tell.

Wealth inequality or ENVY?

Nov 18th, 2023

Wealth inequality or ENVY? Americans earning just $32,000 are in the worlds top 1%.

The U.S. economy looks very bright.

Nov 18th, 2023

I wrote this on 4/30/2013, time will tell if I was right or wrong, and why.

Republicans and Their Faulty Moral Arithmetic

Nov 18th, 2023

I wrote this in 2013, so it would appear that the feckless Conservatives have skipped out on teaching our society these principles, for Socialism and woke Marxism is taking over the country.

My thoughts on gun violence

Nov 18th, 2023

My thoughts and solution to gun violence

The right to rise.

Nov 18th, 2023

Free stuff makes men dependent, Abraham Lincoln wanted men to be independent!

Detroit population vs representation

Nov 18th, 2023

Proof that people move away from high taxes Population vs representation

Lincoln a hero or a traitor?

Nov 18th, 2023

Was Lincoln a hero or a traitor to the constitution?  Would our country have been just fine "as Jefferson wrote" if areas or regions seceded into their own governments?

Technology and our future

Nov 18th, 2023

I wrote this in 2012 that technology would change everything in our country over the next 10 years. Even though things have not happened as fast as I wrote, I still believe that this will be our future!

Election results 2012

Nov 18th, 2023

Yesterday a socialist with anti colonialist tendency's carrying a Connecticut Social Security card won the white house for the second time. You can't make this stuff up.

The Klitschko's find Capitalism

Nov 18th, 2023

While watching a biography about the Russian Klitschko brothers, Vitali said that he had been brainwashed as a child..... That he had been made to repeat "every morning in school" from kindergarten on, that America was bad, that America was our enemy, and that America meant capitalism, where people treated others like slaves.

Who is Barry Soetoro's

Nov 18th, 2023

Before voting in November, Americans should be required to read Barry Soetoro's book, Dreams from My Father. In 2012 Americans can forgive themselves for their collective effort in 2008 to forgive their past, by voting for the countries first black President, in the face of knowing so little about him.

Department of Government waste

Nov 18th, 2023

How about the department of GOVERNMENT WASTE?

Consumption headwinds

Nov 18th, 2023

I wrote this in 2012 and got a bit out over my skies tips, but I still believe that this will be our end! Debt and middle class consumption headwinds will be our undoing, UNLESS automation pays huge dividends.

Investment predictions

Nov 18th, 2023

It is imperative to invest, but making predictions can be humbling. Here were mine in 2012.

Wiser words were never written

Nov 18th, 2023

“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.”

American prosperity after WWII

Nov 18th, 2023

Our middle class was built after WWII, primarily because we were the only manufacturing capacity left standing. We were the exporter, manufacture and lender to the world, and for that reason, became extremely prosperous.

Politicians have spent it all for votes

Nov 18th, 2023

There is no money left in Washington today for Liberals or Conservatives tp spread around for votes. We send our senators to Washington to bring home monies and benefits for our districts and states. Who would vote for a senator who agreed to cut benefits, close a local military base, or a post office?

Steve Jobs on life

Nov 18th, 2023

Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

Soak the rich and all our problems go away

Nov 18th, 2023

Forbes estimates that the 400 wealthiest Americans have a total net worth of $1.53 trillion. Lets say that they earn 8% on their wealth, or $122 billion a year.

My tax plan

Nov 18th, 2023

I propose a 100% tax CUT!

Orson Welles

Nov 18th, 2023

We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.

God's children

Nov 18th, 2023

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.


Nov 17th, 2023

Our creator provided man with a planet full of FREE and abundant raw materials, yet for 6000 years man struggled just to survive. Every person is born with an abundance of human energy, and when human energy and FREE raw materials collide, survival takes place.

The cause of human suffering

Nov 17th, 2023

In the most private spaces of each person's inner conscious life, a deep dissatisfaction is lurking, a nagging sense that life is somehow out of kilter, misaligned, not quite as it should be.


Nov 17th, 2023

Once upon a time, in the vast expanse of the Milky Way Galaxy, on a small blue planet orbiting the third star from the sun, there existed a being named I Am. The circumstances of I Am's existence were shrouded in mystery, as they seemed to have emerged randomly, without purpose or intent.

The great American mantra

Nov 17th, 2023

* You will have to pry my free stuff from my cold dead hands! * Everyone knows we need to cut spending, just not MY SPENDING, and raise taxes, just not MY TAXES!

Strong Men/ Content Men/ Weak Men!

Nov 17th, 2023

WWII warriors were the greatest generation, who then spoiled the Baby Boomers, who then gave participation trophies to their kids.

Kings v Plebs

Nov 17th, 2023

Throughout time, the lives of ordinary people have been controlled by monarchs and rulers, while their own voices remained unheard and their freedoms limited.

Man v Earth

Nov 17th, 2023

As I stood under the shower this morning, appreciating the privileges of being born in a developed nation, I couldn't help but notice the 17 gallons of clean water flowing down the drain.


Nov 17th, 2023

"The clock of life is wound but once, and no man has the power to tell just when the hands will stop, at late or early hour. Now is the only time you own. Live, love, toil with a will. Place no faith in time. For the clock may soon be still."


Oct 11th, 2023

Best advise for life ever written!

What is outside of man's control

Oct 11th, 2023

We are given responsibilities and duties which harass us from the very first moment of the day, to distract us from thinking about who we are, where we come from, and where we are going.

An ode to my hiking buddy

Oct 11th, 2023

The best quote of friendship that I have ever read.

Changing American Prosperity

Oct 11th, 2023

During this era of economic transformation, consumer debt as a percentage of disposable income soared from 66% in 1980 to a staggering 144% by 2007.

Al Akhbar and the 72 virgins!

Jul 13th, 2023

Al Akhbar and the 72 virgins! These two ideas puzzle me greatly. I have never heard of a school shooter screaming "God Is Good" as he mows down innocent children, yet that is exactly what every terrorist yells while killing innocent people. Why do jihadists yell "God is good" while performing these killings? And what about the offer to martyrs of 72 virgins? Is this what these men covet here on earth, so much that they would give their life to get at them? I have never read anything like this being offered in Christianity!

Near Death Experience

Jan 11th, 2023

WHY, why are we here? Humans desperately need to know that we are not just a mistake! When you got there, how could you know what their intentions were, for THEY were the very entities who sent you to a place that you begged not to be returned to . They might have been jovial and loving because they were excited to see how you faired on this sinful toilet called Earth, and MAYBE you had to go back because your soul was not yet ready for heavenly consumption, maybe earths turmoil prepares our souls for a tasty treat, and that is why they were excited, animated, and loving, for the thought of consuming your essence? Or maybe they just get off on sending our inferior entities into turmoil, and once they regaled in our turmoil, they send our souls to an even worse existence, over and over again for eternity!