Greenville South Carolina

After nearly half a century in California, we made the momentous decision to relocate to Greenville, South Carolina. Our primary motivation for this significant move was the proximity to our children, who had settled in Asheville, North Carolina—just a short 1.2 - hour drive north. Being close to our granddaughter and actively participating in her life became the driving force behind our choice. Interestingly, the move also aligns perfectly with our preferences. Having endured cold climates during my upbringing in Minnesota and Kara's experiences in Rhode Island, we sought a balanced environment without the relentless heat of Florida. South Carolina, with its moderate climate, emerged as an ideal choice. Moreover, the state's conservative values and notably lower cost of living added to the appeal. The weather here is delightful, and the warmth extends beyond the climate—the people in South Carolina are incredibly friendly. It's a place where we feel not only welcomed but also safe, creating a sense of home that goes beyond the geographical transition.

Christmas at our new home

Dec 25th, 2023

This was our second Christmas in Greenville, but we were much more settled this year and where able to Dona much better job decorating.

Favorite photos

Nov 28th, 2023

This is my compilation of Greenville photos and articles

Why Greenville

Nov 18th, 2023

This map illustrates why Greenville was one of the best choices for Kara and I.

TV cabinet made into a dry bar

Nov 7th, 2023

We love to use every space in our homes and this was just sitting empty. It was used to house the big bulky TV's before flat screens came about, so we decided to make it into a dry bar. Between our rouge design and our craftsman skill, the outcome is the best.


Apr 14th, 2023

Greenville has a definite 4 seasons, and spring is fantastic. The flowers, grass, and trees are spectacular! It is an adventure figuring out upstate South Carolina weather. It looks like spring has arrived. 75 degrees and just beautiful. The trees and bulbs are blooming!

Game Room

Dec 24th, 2022

It took 7 month but our game room is finally done, now we need our Cali friends to drop in!


Jun 30th, 2022

Many of you have asked me for a list of the positives of moving to Greenville SC. Attached are the national news accolades, which are very positive, but I will add.

Our new home

Jun 21st, 2022

These are pictures of our new house in Greenville.

Moving in

Jun 6th, 2022

All of our boxes are finally unpacked! I can not recommend this moving thing, period full stop, especially at almost 70.


Jun 2nd, 2022

Just another day getting our new house put together, 22 UPS/FEDEX deliveries! Stop the box madness!

Greenville SC

Jan 11th, 2022

This was our first trip to Greenville to see if we could live here. It is such a beautiful small town, and so many national accolades!