
Kara and I have been blessed with numerous opportunities to explore various countries and significant parts of the United States. Our journeys have taken us on month-long adventures through England, Ireland, Scotland, France, and Spain, as well as memorable trips to most of the islands of the Caribbean, parts of South America, and Canada, Hawaii, and Mexico. We feel incredibly fortunate for the experiences we have had, and we eagerly look forward to embarking on more adventures and discovering new destinations in the future.

Our wild and crazy trip to L.A.

Jun 21st, 2024

This was our first trip back home in a year and a half!

Beaufort SC

Dec 13th, 2022

We took a driving adventure down to Beaufort SC, just north of Savannah. Beaufort is the second oldest city in South Carolina and is very quaint. This is our second visit to Beaufort, but our first visit was years ago!

Blue Ridge Parkway

Nov 22nd, 2022

Our drive up the Blue Ridge Parkway early October to peep some fall color. The leaves were amazing! This was our second time driving the BRP and it never disappoints no matter what season!

Savannah Georgia

Nov 12th, 2022

We drove down to Savannah with Carol in late October. It was our third time visiting the city and amazing as always!

Lake Lure

Sep 28th, 2022

So many east coast adventures to come! An hour north of our house is green and beautiful Lake Lure and Chimney Rock State Park. We drove up to the top, then I took the 26 story elevator up to the top. The view was amazing. Then I hiked the 1.5 mile out to the highest water fall east of the Mississippi, it was a sad little waterfall compared to Yosemite!

Biltmore Estate in Ashville NC

Sep 27th, 2022

A great day at the Biltmore Estate in Ashville NC. It is the largest family home in America and was built by the Vanderbilt family in 1890's. 74 degress with no humility, just a perfect day. And I think that I am a time traveler.

Ventura Harbor

Dec 31st, 2020

Kara and I drove up to Ventura harbor and up to Father Serra Cross Park above Ventura. It was a beautiful day and drive!

Death Valley

Dec 21st, 2018

Driving the Tesla through Death Valley! It was so hot that my shoes melted!!! This is where they test cars in the hot summer to see how they hold up, one I passed was on fire! As I drove out of Death Valley I came upon a detour and was VERY afraid that I would run out of range in this heat!

Glen Canyon Dam

Dec 3rd, 2018

On our trip to kayak the Colorado River from the Glen Canyon Dam down to Lee's Ferry we crossed the majestic Glen Canyon Dam.

Horse Shoe Bend

Dec 3rd, 2018

During our trip to kayak the Colorado River from the Glen Canyon Dam down to Lee's Ferry we kayaked below Horse Shoe Bend, and two days later we got to hike to the top. In the photo's that I saw of the Bend, it always looked like a rather long hike, but it ends up that it is right along the road. Since Social Media exploded visits have gone from a few people a day, to hundreds!

Long Island

Oct 26th, 2018

Mammoth Lakes

Aug 22nd, 2018

I have been to Mammoth in the winter many times, and once in the summer to mountain bike the trails, but I never drove over to see the lakes. OMG, it was so beautiful! I took these Tesla trips all by myself since Kara was not interested in taking these drives.

The Mission Inn

Dec 22nd, 2017

This was our 3rd time staying at the Mission Inn in Riverside California. The Mission Inn is THE place to go see the lights at Christmas and Mario's Place, right across the street from the main entrance, is our go to restaurant when we stay.

New England to NYC

Dec 21st, 2017

We took an amazing driving trip through New England in the fall, and ended up in NYC to meet up with Brianna.

Sanctuaire Notre Dame de Lourdes

Oct 12th, 2016

We went to Lourdes today and walked through Sacre Cour and the grotto, where Saint Bernadette saw the virgin Mary. It was fantastic, so many religious leaders, priests, sisters, ministers, and so many people looking for healing. The mosaics from the early 1900's were just amazing. Depicting all phases of Jesus life and resurrection.

Barcelona, Spain

Oct 9th, 2016

We spent three weeks driving all over Spain and parts of Portugal. These are a few pictures from our days in Barcelona.

Tarragona, Spain

Oct 7th, 2016

We stopped in Tarragona which was the seat of Roman Power in spain, to see the gladiator coliseum. Just amazing, those Romans know how to live? I just love driving in Europe, and driving yo the coast trying to navigate roads that are not in English are a challenge, but the rewards is so worth it.

Alicante, Spain

Oct 5th, 2016

Our first full day in Alicante Spain. It took 5 hours to drive from Madrid, but we found Europe along the Mediterranean Sea. If this is what we will find in Barcelona and north, we are in for a great trip. Tomorrow we drive inland to visit our favorite Spanish wine, Clio. The first thing we did before checking into our hotel was to explore the castle, just amazing. Then I dropped Kara off and had to drive for blocks to underground parking and find myself back to the hotel, CRAZY!

Madrid, Spain

Oct 4th, 2016

No one told us how dry and dead everything looks in Spain. It is dryer than at home. Tomorrow we will see how the coast looks, should be amazing!

The Mission Inn

Dec 16th, 2015

Amazing night with my hon in Riverside at the Mission at Christmas!

Laguna Beach

Jul 22nd, 2015

Laguna Beach is a must go location if you are in Southern California, it is a paradise by the sea. The Saw Dust Festival and art shows were a must, but the highlight is the Pageant Of The Masters. We have seen it at least 3 times.

Cabo serenade

Mar 5th, 2015

All was going so well, until silver man stole his girl. He looked happy with the trade for a guitar, but then reconsidered and thought, maybe I should take the guitar and his tips. At this point silver man could take no more, and returned his girl, and retrieved his guitar and tips. All was right in the world once more!

Cabo San Lucas

Feb 24th, 2015

We took Dakota, Kia, Mary and Sheldon to Cabo San Lucas and stayed at the Monte Cristo's at Pueblo Bonito, our timeshare. We ALL had such a great time.


Apr 29th, 2014

We bought a house out of short sale in Oxnard on the harbor.

Bora Bora, Tahiti

Feb 7th, 2014

This was our second trip to Bora Bora, and Kara got the Denge fever, so it will be our last, but still so beautiful!

Todos Santos in Baja Mexico

Apr 30th, 2013

During our visit to Cabo, we took a bus tour up to Todos Santos. What a wonderful little town. We had WAY to many margaritas, but check out this food. I would eat this food every day!

Chicago with Reed and Tammy

Sep 10th, 2012

This was our last stop on our trip around Lake Michigan. Reed and Tammy met us there and we spent a nice couple of day, including visiting some skates blues clubs, including Buddy Guys world famous club.

Paradise Lighthouse on the upper Peninsula

Sep 7th, 2012

We drove up the Peninsula and stopped to see Paradise Lighthouse and Lake Superior. There is great meaning in this area for all of the ships that did not make it.

Mackinac Island

Sep 6th, 2012

We drove from Chicago over to Detroit, then we planned to drive to the upper peninsula. Even though I lived in Birmingham Michigan, a Detroit suburb, I had never been to the upper peninsula. On the way we saw a sign for Mackinac Island, check it out!

Las Vegas with Tracy

Jan 7th, 2012

When our niece Tracy came out for two weeks we took her to Las Vegas. Sitting in the Paris Hotel looking down at the fountain is special. Check it out.

The Queen Mary with Tracy

Jan 3rd, 2012

We really wanted to give our niece Tracy Herman the best vacation in So Cal possible, so we took her to Long Beach and visited the Queen Mary. The ball room looks so amazing!

Lion cubs in Cabo

Nov 18th, 2011

They had a booth set up where you can have your picture taken with lion cubs from the local zoo. If it claws your face, I guess you could sue yourself because good luck, you are in Mexico. We had a timeshare at Pueblo Bonito where we stayed for at least 10 years.

Emerald Bay, Mazatlan, Pueblo Bonito

Mar 22nd, 2011

We decided to trade our Cabo San Lucas Pueblo Bonitos timeshare unit for one at their sister property in Mazatlán. What an amazing week we had there. We once again risked our lives doing something crazy, traveling into the heart of the city by open cab, called a pneumonia, to visit a night spot we had seen during our day tour. We found out later that shootings had taken place around the city during our visit, and trucks with armed police were all over the place. Tour ships had stopped coming to Mazatlán because of the street violence. But as usual, we had a blast that night!

The Mission Inn

Dec 12th, 2010

If you find yourself in Los Angeles at Christmas, you MUST drive out to Riverside and stay at the Mission inn. We made it out almost every year for 5 years. The way they light it up is magical. So many U.S. Presidents have stayed here! If you can't make it, check it out here!

Whales of Magdalena Bay

Jul 14th, 2010

The journey to Magdalena Bay to see the gray whales and their babies is not for the faint of heart. You have to drive into the heart of Baja on very sketchy road, with who know who on those roads. What an amazing adventure it was. Check out my video of the day!