Jeff Herman Picture

Mountain Biking

Moab Slick Rock

Mar 30th, 2009

Kara and I were driving out to see Brad, Chris and the kids in Colorado, and I wanted to stop in Moab and ride Slick Rock.

I rented my bike from Moab Cyclery, and they took me up to the trail head. I had heard about this ride like it was a legend.Talk about crazy. Everything looked the same out there and I went all by myself. But for a few jeep tours, I was all alone.I was so happy that I did this and got such amazimng pictures of Moab from above.My rental

You can see forever, and NO trails

A lot of this powder

Huge cliffs that you don't want to ride over

From time to time the jeeps would come

You can see my bike up on the hill, and if you look close you can see the white painted lines that keep you on the trail

This is the best view of Moab

All downhill to the parkimng lot