Jeff Herman Picture

Crazy Things We Have Done!


Jun 10th, 2024

During our Panama Canal cruise, we were sternly warned that Panama was too dangerous to even make a stop. The thrilling passage through the canal was the highlight until our ship docked in Cartagena, Colombia. The crew advised us to stay on board, citing safety concerns. But Kara and I, ever the thrill-seekers, decided we hadn't come this far to miss out on an adventure. Ignoring the warnings, we signed up for a city tour. The plan was to drive up to a hill overlooking the city, explore a historic fortress, and then visit a bustling, Miami-like district to shop for jewelry. From the hilltop, the contrast was stark: miles of dirt roads and shanties on one side, the shimmering wealth of the coast on the other.

Kia even got to hold a stinky sloth for the first time, an experience she wouldn't forget. The real excitement came at the fortress. After walking through its ancient corridors, two suspicious-looking men approached us just as we were about to exit. Within view of a police car, they brazenly offered me drugs. In that tense moment, I couldn't help but wonder if accepting their offer would land me in a Colombian jail. I firmly declined, and we quickly made our way back to the safety of our tour car, hearts still racing. The day ended with a more relaxed shopping spree on the coast before we returned to the ship. Back on board, we had thrilling tales to share, stories that most of our fellow passengers would never have. They had chosen the safety of the ship, while we had chosen adventure.