Jeff Herman Picture


Mt Lowe

May 6th, 2014

Our hike to the top of Mt Lowe started out very cold!

This is a must do peak in the San Gabriel Mountains, and a bit challenging.We had such a great day!!!

We had better check out the map, Marv and I always get lost

The trail we just hiked

Mueller Tunnel dead ahead

On to Mt Lowe

Up we go

How long has that been there?

Looks like someone died here, very sad

From whence we came

You sure that is the trail

We could have taken the train?

Looks like rain?

We made it to the top

It always amazes me how these trees work around the rocks

Looking good over there

Someone lost their hoof

Not today

That is Inspiration Point over there

The back side of our tunnel

Marv standing in front of the Tunnel