Jeff Herman Picture

Places I Have Lived


Jun 4th, 2024

Cincinnati was an adventure for a kid. We had an expansive woods behind our house, where my friend Andy and I would explore all day, searching for snakes and climbing trees. We'd often come home with a collection of snakes and frogs. Andy’s family had a donkey that occasionally got loose and would wake my parents up with its loud braying. Our house was at the end of a long shared driveway with just two houses. It was brand new but would always flood when it rained. I remember my dad installing sandbags to try and redirect the water. When Kara and I visited several years ago, the sandbags were still being used. For Easter, my parents got Bob and me each a goat. We took great care of our new pets, but Bob’s goat got sick, and eventually, they sold mine too. One day, I found a baby robin on the way home, featherless and helpless. I have fond memories of raising her to adulthood. I also recall my parents throwing some wild parties and spending the entire next day cleaning up. They didn’t know much about dyslexia back then, but I remember a doctor advising my parents to have me sleep on one side or the other to help manage it.