Jeff Herman Picture


Near Death Experience

Jan 11th, 2023

WHY, why are we here?

Humans desperately need to know that we are not just a mistake!When you got there, how could you know what their intentions were, for THEY were the very entities who sent you to a place that you begged not to be returned to . They might have been jovial and loving because they were excited to see how you faired on this sinful toilet called Earth, and MAYBE you had to go back because your soul was not yet ready for heavenly consumption, maybe earths turmoil prepares our souls for a tasty treat, and that is why they were excited, animated, and loving, for the thought of consuming your essence? Or maybe they just get off on sending our inferior entities into turmoil, and once they regaled in our turmoil, they send our souls to an even worse existence, over and over again for eternity!Are humans so naive to think that a superior entity placed us here for purely altruistic reasons, yet sent us to a place were you admitted to not wanting to return, and that our souls may never be allowed to escape existence, just to fullfill their desires until the end of time? Since no one who experienced an NDE has ever concluded the journey, no one can know the ultimate intent of the beings who sent us to this shit hole in the first place. NO THANKS, there must be an opt out button to existence!