Jeff Herman Picture


Tutorial ideas

* How to save and why, plus auto save!

* How to upload a photo to the Home Page
* How to post a quote on the Home Page
* How to load or delete favorite posts and videos
* How to post a Fun Fact
* How to upload the favorite video
* How to upload favorite adventures
* How to change header text

* How to load the title photo
* How to create the title text
* How to use all of the buttons on the left side
* How to build an autobiography

* How to create a Chapter
* How to upload a cover photo
* How to Create text over the cover photo
* How to add text below the cover photo
* How you can make a Chapter post

* How to add a posts
* How to add a cover photo to a post
* How use the buttons on the left hand side to create the post body
* How to make posts newest to oldest and vis vera
* How "related posts" work

* How to make a post or Chapter private
* How to map a post or Chapter
* How to map a post or Chapter

* How to sort map
* How to go to map from post or Chapter

Many of these can be combined! 

Overview of Mystories.Cloud Welcome to Mystories.Cloud! We've designed a platform that's as intuitive as Facebook or Instagram, featuring a simple drag-and-drop interface that allows everyone to create and share their unique stories. Why Mystories.Cloud? At Mystories.Cloud, we believe everyone has a story worth telling—not just the rich and famous on Wikipedia. Our site is for everyone, offering a space where you can document and share your life's journey. Our Site Structure Mystories.Cloud consists of four main pages: Home Page Autobiography/Biography Page (for yourself or someone else) Chapter Pages Mapping Page Home Page Overview Your journey begins on the Home Page. Here, you can highlight your life stories with a variety of features, all customizable to your liking. Key Features: Scrolling Photo Feature: Create a photo collage with text overlays, easily managed with our drag-and-drop interface. Quote Feature: Share meaningful quotes about your life or your loved ones. Google Interactive Mapping: Map out the significant places in your life, with each pin telling a part of your story. Inspiring Posts: Display up to 12 posts to inspire future generations. Fun Facts: Share quirky or interesting facts about yourself. Favorite Videos: Embed personal or meaningful YouTube videos. Vacation/Adventure Videos: Showcase up to four of your favorite vacation, adventure, or family videos at the bottom of your page. With Mystories.Cloud, you have all the tools to make your Home Page as creative or as simple as you like. Get creative and tell your story your way!