Jeff Herman Picture


Solidad Canyon to Vasquez Rocks

Nov 5th, 2013

This was our EPIC hike from Solidad Canyon Rd into Vasquez Rocks, 8.9 miles of amazing hiking.

I always wanted to hike from Soledad over to Vasquez. It gave us more of an adventure than just driving to Vasquez Rocks.Don't get me wrong, Vasquez is the goal, where they filmed so many movies and TV shows, from the Flintstones to Star Trek, but this gave the day a purpos.Home sweet home!

Check both ways

We are on the right trail


Thank god we got across before the train came

Who left their shirt?

Looking back where we started

Blood rocks

To big for a hiking stick!


Looking over at the 14 freeway. We will go under a tunnel, WE HOPE!

Our tunnel

Why yes I am

Love this picture

We are now accross the 14 headed for Vasques Rocks

Do you guys see it yet?

There it is!

Should we go up? No reason not to!

Looking back at where we parked the second car

Are you sure?

looking back at the 14 freeway and our trail

We made it

What a great day

We started over from Sanna Ranch