Jeff Herman Picture

South Carolina State Parks



I have lived here for two years now, and thanks to G, I finally made it to Paris Mountain, just 20 minutes from my house! We hiked almost 6 miles and saw most of the top of the Park.

This was our route!

Our first decision, which way to go? We went to the right up Brissy Ridge Trail!

I wanted to check this trail out for mountain biking. Kind of rough but doable!

More decisions?
No stay on Brissy!
It is so Beautiful up here!

Nice that they have yield signs.
I love that they paint a mark on the trees so that you know you are on the right trail!

See ya later Brissy, we are headed up Pipsissewa!

There is a lake up here?
Lets GO!

Teaching G to love nature by hugging the trees.
I think he's got it!

Wow, this lake is AMAZING indeed!

Nothing like a video to tell the story!

G and I taking one of our only rests to take in the views and fresh oxygen.

G is 27 and I am 70, but we have so much in common, most of all the love of nature.

Hiking over the top of the dam!

A little friend taking in some vitamin D on the log!

Almost back to the car.

What a great day and a great hike with a great friend!