Jeff Herman Picture


Al Akhbar and the 72 virgins!

Jul 13th, 2023

Al Akhbar and the 72 virgins!

These two ideas puzzle me greatly. I have never heard of a school shooter screaming "God Is Good" as he mows down innocent children, yet that is exactly what every terrorist yells while killing innocent people. Why do jihadists yell "God is good" while performing these killings?

And what about the offer to martyrs of 72 virgins? Is this what these men covet here on earth, so much that they would give their life to get at them in the afterlife? I have never read anything like this being offered in Christianity!


You are at the mall and someone yells AL AKHBAR!

The first thing that crosses your mind is;#1. How beautiful, someone has found god!#2. I should got to church more, like that guy!#3. God is really good, isn't he!or, I'M ABOUT TO DIE at the hands of a terrorist!