Jeff Herman Picture


Election results 2012

Nov 18th, 2023

Yesterday a socialist with anti colonialist tendency's carrying a Connecticut Social Security card won the white house for the second time. You can't make this stuff up.

Over 50% of Americans apposed Obama care, but low ball politics convinced the people to forget about that and vote for a man who believes that Americans didn't build that.He may still be charged as hostile to Americas core beliefs that we are a country built on merit, hard work, and exceptionalism.  I will judge him, or eat my words based on three criteria;#1 That less people are collecting food stamps in 2016 than are collecting today. 

For the first time in my life I saw an ad on the food channel last week promoting the use of food stamps, so more dependency would seem like the goal of the day.

#2 That Iran is stopped from developing a nuclear weapon.#3 That GM does not once again go bankrupt.

Government motors bankruptcy did not eliminate structural problem within the company that would have been eliminated through traditional bankruptcy, let alone maintaining outsized union wages, and being strong armed into designing a car that Americans don't want and is to expensive.

Over the next 4 years we will be presented with many issues to judge this man, but who would know what they are given that he ran on no agenda. I

guess we will all have to wait and see. He is now free to call Putin and let him know what he can do for him that he couldn't tell the American people about before the election.This should be fun to watch.