Jeff Herman Picture


Investment predictions

Nov 18th, 2023

May 6, 2012 - Predictions for 2021, I will then be 68.1.
#1. China will be much larger in 2021 than it is today. It's rich and middle class will start to spend their 40% saving, and dominate the world in consumption.
#2. Tech will be much larger in 2021 than it is today. All forms of communication integration "including cars that drive themselves" will take place. Tech will permeate our society lowering costs on almost everything.
#3. U.S. multi national Companies will still dominate commerce in 2021, selling the worlds growing middle class the products they demand.
#4. Baby Boomers will retire in-mass by 2021. They will be looking for all forms of aging conveniences, along with massive medical care.
#5. U.S. debt could be unsustainable by 2021. The government will add between $12 and $20 billion to the debt by 2021. There are not enough investors to absorb that kind of debt. In 2011 the Fed bought 60% of our debt.
#6. Inflation in the U.S. will not materialize. Corporate profits will grow outside of the U.S. while incomes will not grow inside the country, and housing will stay anemic.

#7. The world will consume much more energy by 2021.

What should an investor do?
#1. Invest in companies that will sell to the growing worlds middle class.
#2. Invest in dominant tech companies, while watching for upstarts.
#3. Invest in retirement home REIT's, hospital REIT's and devise companies, knee and hip's.
#4. Hope the hell that folks still buy our debt, or buy gold.
#5. Invest in oil and gas producers and pipeline companies.