Jeff Herman Picture


My tax plan

Nov 18th, 2023

October 23, 2011

I propose a 100% tax CUT! No more arguing about who pays what taxes, let everyone get a 100% tax cut. This should surely get bipartisan support.Instead of collecting taxes, we can just borrow the money from foreign investors! If we can borrow $2 trillion a year to stimulate the economy and never plan on paying it back, why not borrow the entire Government budget of $6 trillion and really stimulate the economy!
The inconvenient truth: Eventually we will have to pay the money back, or inflate our currency, or default on our debt. Whether it is $35 trillion going up by $2 trillion a year, or $45 trillion going up by $6 trillion a year, does it really matter? Would it really look worse to fund 100% of our expenses with borrowed money rather than just 10%. However, it would make it more obvious how irresponsible we are. Can't Americans begin to see what a mess we are in, and that cutting our addiction to debt is the only way to save our country.
Courtesy of the book AFTERSHOCK.