Jeff Herman Picture


My thoughts on gun violence

Nov 18th, 2023

#1.When the second Amendment was written, a musket was a musket, be it in the hands of a citizen or a military man. Sure they had cannons, but I could slip into the swamp like Swamp Fox and pick them off one by one. It was a semi fair fight. Today they can track our cell phones and blow us up with a drone, or take out our weapons stash with a Black-hawk stealth helicopter......, and don't get me started on the new magnetic projectiles or laser weapons. We are WAY past using weapons to defend ourselves against are own government. Otherwise I want my own drone

#2. Some like to lump all gun violence together for their own convenience. Most gun violence is the result of an individual incident like a family or business dispute, domestic dispute, a random killing, and in the majority of gun violence, gangs or drug related gun violence. The kind of violence the took place in Colorado or Connecticut was more terror like, where people were senselessly killed in mass at random. Terrorist have used these methods for years with great success.#3. Some like to say that deterrence "like carrying a concealed weapon" don't work....., but companies pay millions of dollars in research to prove that putting their sign in my front yard will encourage a would be robber to move along. If I am walking down the street and a would be mugger or sex offender approaches, I am certain that he will choose another victim upon seeing my pit-bull. 9/11 will never happen again because citizens in the air will take action......, if need be taping a man to his seat.Solution: Eliminate military and automatic style weapons which are only used by derangement mental numb-skulls to mow down the maximum number of innocent people, then TRAIN and arm any citizen willing to carry a concealed weapon into the most vulnerable areas of our society.