Jeff Herman Picture


Politicians have spent it all for votes

Nov 18th, 2023

There is no money left in Washington today for Liberals or Conservatives tp spread around for votes.

We send our senators to Washington to bring home monies and benefits for our districts and states.Who would vote for a senator who agreed to cut benefits, close a local military base, or a post office?That is why we love our senators, but hate the senate.If we can't even get the senate to agree to close post offices and stop Saturday delivery of the mail, "when even a brain dead dweeb knows that e-mail and texting have surplanted the physical mail" what chance do we have for reforming social security, medicaid or medicare, cutting military spending, cutting corporate welfare, or raising taxes on the rich?Each side is hold up in their respective corners, knowing that there is no money to bring home benefits to their districts, but no one has the guts to tell the American people the truth.One day rather unexpectedly, bond holders will tell America that we have gone to far.Aug 4th 2013