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Soak the rich and all our problems go away

Nov 18th, 2023

by Jeff Herman, October 18, 2011

Forbes estimates that the 400 wealthiest Americans have a total net worth of $1.53 trillion. Lets say that they earn 8% on their wealth, or $122 billion a year. Lets say they pay a 25% tax rate, or $30 billion a year. Lets say we increase that rate to 40%, or $49 billion a year. That would be an increase of $19 billion in additional funds going to the U.S. Treasury to close our $1.3 trillion dollar deficit. Even if you confiscated all of their wealth, we would only pay the deficit for ONE year. So, the Soak The Rich Campaign, is only a facade for power. They will need to tax everyone of us to close the gaping debt addiction that has befallen our country.
The Great American Mantra; They Will Have To Pry My Free Stuff From My Cold Dead Hands.