Jeff Herman Picture


The Klitschko's find Capitalism

Nov 18th, 2023

While watching a biography about the Russian Klitschko brothers, Vitali said that he had been brainwashed as a child..... That he had been made to repeat "every morning in school" from kindergarten on, that America was bad, that America was our enemy, and that America meant capitalism, where people treated others like slaves.

Upon coming to America, the brothers described their trip as if taking a trip to the moon. They had heard about coke cola, and after tasting it said that they could drink a bucket full. They said that they could spend all day walking the mall, just looking at all the products. Vladimir said, how can there be 100 different kinds of cheese, 100!Upon returning home, the boys told their father how amazing America was, and how friendly the people were. Their dad "a military man" said, they must have shown you a propaganda area, America is very evil and bad.Today their mom and dad winter in Florida and enjoy the weather, America, and the friendly people.

I wish all Americans could see their country this way, then maybe they wouldn't let their government return them to the failed system of socialism.

It is capitalism that brought prosperity and economic freedom to our country and much of the world, but there are those who want to return you to economic dependence, and socially control and trap you. If you love having 50% of Americas on assistance, you should be giddy when we reach 70%. That will be total socialized success. It's not to late, but it soon will be.Vote according to your DREAMS for America