Jeff Herman Picture


The U.S. economy looks very bright.

Nov 18th, 2023

Don't despair my friends, the U.S. economy looks very bright over the next 5 years.

Lets look at 7 MACRO trends:ENERGY* The U.S. will be energy independent by 2020, and will be exporting cheap gas and coal to everyone. "That is if liberals don't get in the way", and our economy will benefit and prosper from cheap energy here at home.Because of cheap energy, Airbus is opening a plant in Alabama. AIRBUS.....MANUFACTURING* Manufacturing jobs are coming back home because of cheap energy in the U.S., and dramatically increasing wages and land prices in China, and the increased cost to ship good back here from China.CONSUMPTION* There are nearly 1.5 billion new middle class consumers in developing countries like China, India, Africa, and South America, and they want desperately to buy our stuff and to live our life style. Our corporations will profit handsomely by selling them our goods and their dreams. Tupperware, as one example of many "like YUM bands in China" had 2000 sales people in Indonesia in 2001 and now have 170,000....... 66% of their profit comes from developing countries. Our countries S&P 500 corporations profits will be gigantic.AUTOMATION* Advanced automation like robotics, voice recognition etc will decimate employment but provide ever cheaper and better quality goods. 60% of kids under 15 exclusively use smart phones to get online. Say goodbye to Dell and HP's past dominance. How long will it be until we go into a Taco Bell or McDonald and order using a Siri type devise, no human needed.This will create more unemployment, but

huge profits for corporations.I saw a video of a BMW plant last week, 90% robots, and the humans left will soon be displaced.3D PRINTING* 3D printing will further lower costs and improve product quality. It is here..., right now...., and will only continue to benefit our corporations profits.TRADE* The U.S. will be a net exporter by 2020, shipping our cheap energy to countries who need it, and consumer goods to the 1.5 billion new consumers. The newly enlarged Panama Canal was build just for that purpose.DEBT* Japan can afford a 250% debt to GDP because they are a net exporter. More $$$$ are coming in than going out. The US can easily finance our 100% debt to GDP upon becoming a net exporter.In conclusion, these unimaginable positive MACRO trends will make those who invest in front of them rich beyond their wildest dreams. These Macro trends will out-way and sideline every negative that has been projected upon our future. IF, we as a country take advantage of them.