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Lincoln a hero or a traitor?

Nov 18th, 2023

Was Lincoln a hero or a traitor to the constitution? 

Would our country have been just fine "as Jefferson wrote" if areas or regions seceded into their own governments?After all, the United States had seceded from England just 89 years before, and the Constitution was signed by each state with the understanding that a state could secede from the union at any time without fear of military action. New England had threatened to secede, and a southern President gave no malice if they decided to pursue that action, yet a northern President took up arms killing 1 million Americans when confronted with a southern secession. Jefferson and Hamilton wrote, secession was the right of each states, and if "say" four areas of the country had seceded, things may have been much much better today. For the first time ever in world history we would have had four countries with the same history, same language, and same people. The only difference would have been the laws that governed them. If one country became to onerous, the people could easily move to the next one. If one country taxed the people to much, folks could move to another. If one country did not approve of abortion, folks could move to the next one. If one country did not respect ownership and the rule of law, folks could move along.  Gee, this sounds just like State Rights, to bad the federal government rules by edict. If states want to legalize marijuana, IT SHOULD BE THEIR RIGHT.