Jeff Herman Picture


Wealth inequality or ENVY?

Nov 18th, 2023

Americans earning just $32,000 are in the worlds top 1%.

* Envy says the system is rigged, yet, 67% of the Forbes 400 richest people came from nothing, 75% of people with $30 million net worth or more are self made, only 14% is inherited. * Envy says we should even out the wealth, yet, within 3 generations these fortunes "through attrition" will be returned to society.* Envy says we should confiscate more for the good of all, yet, most fortunes are given away to charity during the owners lifetime or there after.It seems that opportunity is there for the taking, but insecure politicians whip the masses into a hive of ENVY!

While the real crime is Marriage inequality:

Just 7.5% of families headed by two parents live in poverty.34% of families headed by a single parent live below the poverty level. 

Single parenting by race:

Whites - 28.6% Hispanics - 52.5% Blacks - 72.3% Black married families have a poverty rate of just 7%, non married black families have a poverty rate of 35.6% This is what our President should focus on, NOT ENVY. He should start a national campaign to teach the poor to stay in school, get married, and then have kids -  in that order.