Jeff Herman Picture


The Wave

Oct 15th, 2014

This was the hike of a life time. I had seen The Wave on motivational poster forever, and every time I would see the poster, I wanted to go. Doing my research to go, I found that they only allow 20 people a day to hike to The Wave. 10 passes are awarded online and 20 in person. I tried for two years online with no success. So Marv and I planned a trip to Kanab and the first morning camped out in the rangers station.

I made a well placed donation and chatted up the rangers. We were picked 2nd out of 150 people!!!!!!!People were offering us cash in the hallways for our passes, NO WAY!The next morning we set out and had the time of our lives. Check out our video below of one of the best days ever!Here is our pass

Marv and I in the WAVE!

This picture was taken from the arch way above The Wave, you can see The Wave way down to the right of the small lake