Jeff Herman Picture


Tri Peaks to Sandstone Peak

Jan 27th, 2016

This was an EPIC hike straight up the face of Mt Bone to Sri Peaks and then over to Sandstone Peak, and down to the car.

We started up from Newberry Park and climbed what looked like a sheer cliff. For whatever reason Omid hung way back, scary far back. I don't think that he liked Pete. It was Marv, Pete, Omid, and I.It was hard to navigate what ended up being two groups, sad!The rock face that you see was where we climbed right between the outcrops

We just crossed this green plateau

You can see the rocks we will climb in the distance

Oh hell no, up through those?

Looking out over the Channel Islands

We are in it now

Fire has been here!

Looking back at Newberry Park

Pete, what are you drinking there?

Wait for Omid and I

What a gorgeous view of Oxnard and the Channel Islands

Omid checking stocks?

You found high ground, but more up to come

That is not a great view Pete!

Come on Omid!

You can see Omid in the very far distance. Our trail crossed this plateau

On to Sandstone Peak