Jeff Herman Picture


Murphys Ranch

Mar 23rd, 2016

Our hike to Murphys Ranch in Santa Monica. It was a Nazi camp that was established in the hopes that Germany would win, oh well.

You can see a sign saying that graffiti is illegal, yet you will see some amazing graffiti on this hike! The stairs down go on forever.

No Graffiti!

Someone doesn't like Trump!

Looking back at Santa Monica

The gates were long gone

These stairs go on forever!

We made it to the main house

Back side of the house

Water tower?

They were eating their lunch and looked like they were having so much fun


Even on the trash cans

We hiked out by way of the boy scout camp Josepho, just north of Murphys

Even on the trees

What the heck is that?

We made it, what a great day!