Jeff Herman Picture


Topanga Tower Motorway

Aug 10th, 2017

I always wanted to hike from the top of Stunt Road, starting at the abandoned tower, down to Mullholland Rd near Mountain Park.

It starts out a fire road but quickly turns into this back bone of rock. There was a trail, but some parts were challenging.Omid wanted to go up to the tower, but the security patrol turned him back.Off we go

No Omid, they will not let us in!

Right along the rocks

That is the fire road that we catch to take us to Mullholland, but for now its over these crazy rocks

Still scrambling

That is what we had to deal with

Now a nice meadow to get over to the fireroad

Looking back at the trail

You can see the tower in the distance, we are about half way!

That shows the backbone of rocks we had to deal with