Jeff Herman Picture


Woolsey Canyon Road

Nov 20th, 2020

With the fires in the San Gabriels and the Covid shut downs, we must find hiking trails closer to home.

Who knew we had such amazing hikes so close to our house.

We started this hike up off of Woolsey Canyon Road, but we misjudged and started below the mountain biking trails and had to do some billy goating to get back to the road, but billy goating was the main theme of this hike.

We came upon the most sophisticated mountain biking jumps and trails that I have ever seen, not even on my youth would I have tried these!

Then we hiked up a nasty hill to come upon the housing development off of Roscoe, but without a way out, we had to billy goat down.

But having not defiled ourselves enough, we ventured up the horse trail next to the development, and then once again had to trail blaze down to Valley Circle Road, all within a 4 mile hike!

Chatsworth Reservoir
What are those down there?
These are the most agressive jumps I have ever seen
Does that look like a Ford?
That is Velley Circle down there
That is the corner of Valley Circle and Roscoe Blvd down there