Jeff Herman Picture


LBJ put the black community back in chains

Jan 6th, 2024

LBJ was quoted as saying, I'll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years. He said that after signing the Civil Rights Act, which chained mothers to government hand outs and cast the father out of the house.

In 1937 98% of black households had a mom and a dad, now that is down to 37% today, that did not happen by accident, thank you the Democratic Party and LBJ!  As LBJ proclaimed, the black community has voted for Democrats at a rate of 80% to 90%. You could only get those rates at the point of a gun!So what is it that keeps the black community voting for Democrats so faithfully, well you can ask Candice Owens for sure, but it is hand outs from the government that keeps them coming back, and today people are finally waking up to this con. The hand outs enslave people to a social economic level! Folks are waking up!