Jeff Herman Picture


The SAD state of our Union!

Apr 1st, 2024

Here is the state of our Union Mr Biden! The United States is;
* 40th globally for health
* 35th in child poverty, just above Mexico
* 36th for literacy
* 45th in press freedom
* Highest cancer rate in the world
* 59th in life expectancy, right behind Algeria
* Worst health outcome in the rich world
* Highest maternal mortality in the rich world
* Highest number of gun deaths per capita 

* Leading the world in obesity
* 60% of Americans have at least one chronic condition, in 1962 it was just 6% And our children are at the front line!
* 4 in 10 suffer depression
* 50% have considered suicide
* 1 in 10 have anxiety
* 1 in 10 have ADHD
* 1 in 5 are obese And this doesn't take in to consideration our debt, migration, fentanyl, etc, etc, etc!