Jeff Herman Picture


Systemic Racism!

Apr 2nd, 2024

I would be mad to!

* African American ancestors were gathered up by other Africans and sold to the Europeans! 
That first point needs much more attention.
* Americans brought Africans to America and sold them to Southern plantation owners!
* African Americans also owned slaves!
A second point that needs more attention.
* Northern Republicans fought the only war against slavery!
Another huge event that needs much more attention.
 * LBJ addicted African Americans to hand outs, thus condemning them to poverty and life in the inner city plantations!
* White liberals want to teach black children that they are less than, and can not accomplish anything without their help, aka CRT, DEI, and math is racist

* Slavery still exists today!
* LBJ achieved his stated dream to have black America voting Democrat for the next 100 years. Blacks vote for Democrat's 90%, numbers that only Vladimir Putin can achieve at the point of a gun. LBJ did it with just enough hand outs to enslave but not prosper!

It would seem that black America is awakening to liberals devious plans, and moving closer and closer to the party that freed the slaves!

We plan to donate a large portion of our estate to the Woodson Center.
This man tells the truth about what the Democtrat whities have done to the black race, and empowers blacks across America, much in the way Booker T Washington did so many years ago, to achieve through learning and doing great things!

If you have not read Booker T Washington's fine book, Up From Slavery, I suggest you do. One of the greatest motivational speakers ever!