Jeff Herman Picture


Ukraine Follies

Apr 2nd, 2024

President Eisenhower in his 1961 farewell speech WARNED us about the Military Industrial Complex, but NO ONE listened!
The United Nations was founded in 1945 with the stated purpose to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international cooperation, and serve as a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations. There have been 66 wars since the UN's founding!!!! Millions have died feeding the Military Industrial Complex, and the war mongers are still looking for $80 billion more death chum in Ukraine. This is a MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEMES folks! MILLIONS HAVE DIED TO LINE THE POCKETS OF EVIL PEOPLE! Mark my words, Ukraine will be settled through negotiation, which it should have been before the war started, and 400,000 HUMANS would still be alive!

Enter PUTIN!

There is good reason why the left and the MSM don't want Americans to hear Donald Trump speak. Because they don't want us to hear how much sense he makes, and "they" want to hold the power to paint him as a madman or whatever else they wish! The same goes for Putin. That is why the left is up in arms about Tucker interviewing Vladimir Putin, because our deep state wants to control what American's know and think about him.

Anyone with a curious mind should watch this interview! For 2 hours Tucker had a very calm and constructive interview with Putin, it was like he was sitting with his father talking. Putin is not a madman, he is not dying, he does not want war with anyone, he is a Christian and loves his people and country! The left wants you to believe that he is a madman, dying, wants to blow up Europe, is desperate, wants to march into Germany, etc, etc, etc!

HE IS AND WANTS NONE OF THESE THINGS! That is why the CIA, using the EU as their surrogate, threatened Tucker with treason for just speaking to Putin! WAKE UP PEOPLE! The war in Ukraine is a money laundering scheme for the CIA and Military Industrial Complex. There have been TWO peace agreements that have been signed by Putin, Ukraine, and Germany, that the US put a stop to. Zelenskyy ran for President based on one of those peace plans and received 75% of the vote and won! Putin WILL NOT bring us WWIII, our own people will!!!!!

Robert F Kennedy jr understands the history!

If you want to understand why Russia had no choice but attack Ukraine, watch RFKjr explain how the military industrial complex, using the CIA set this all in motion!

This Howie Mandel interview with RFKjr is a must watch to understand Ukraine and much more!